Discussion Questions

Why sermon-based questions?
1. Sermon based questions help keep the church focused and headed in the same direction, allowing the sermon topic/passage to be digested and applied even further.
2. Sermon based questions help encourage consistency in church attendance, increases attentiveness and note taking, and promotes interaction with other church members who are utilizing the same curriculum.
3. Sermon based questions are designed in a way that require thought, self-introspection, and Scripture. These discussion questions allow the Christ follower - within the intimacy and support of a small group - to interact and apply the Word of God in a way that cannot be accomplished in a typical Sunday worship service.
4. Sermon based questions provide the quickest and easiest form of curriculum for groups to interact with. Sometimes choosing a curriculum or book study, and then getting it into the hands of one's group, can be a daunting task. Sermon based questions are simply provided at the click of a button.

HOPEFULL (1 PETER) discussion questions

Kingdoms & Kings discussion questions

SUMMER SERIES 24 discussion questions

deliver discussion questions

With discussion questions