We know that kids are faced with many paths to take these days. Perhaps more than ever, kids are being influenced and lured to travel a path that Jesus warned against, "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" 9Matthew 7:13). Our goal in Kids Club, is to point each child to Jesus and teach them that the Bible is God's true Word filled with guidance for each of us. Our catalyst and theme behind this club is based on Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path" (NLT).

We're excited about this brand-new midweek program for kids, and we think they will be too! Each club will offer Bible stories, activities, games, incentives, and much more! We also believe that the path of any Christ follower is never meant to be walked alone. So, don't hesitate to invite a friend from school or a neighbor down the street.

safe and secure

When does it start?

We offer two, 10-week sessions through the year on Wednesday nights, from 6:30-8p.

safe and secure

Why 10-week sessions?

The 10-week principle is easily conceivable. Studies have shown that people are less likely to commit to something that is an indefinite amount of time.

The 10-week principle creates easy on-ramps for kids to join later in the year and not feel out of place.

The 10-week principle allows time for leaders and volunteers to evaluate, prepare or even train for upcoming sessions.

safe and secure

Is there a cost?

Yes. The cost is just $10 per child for each 10-week session. This will help offset some of the costs for supplies, activities, and prizes.

  • $10 T-shirt is optional for purchase.


3 Years - Traditional

Kindergarten (TK)

Classroom: rm 105

Children must have a birthdate on or before 9/1/2021


Kinder - 2nd Grade

Classroom: Chapel


3rd Grade - 6th Grade

Classroom: Chapel